Exploring things of significance to me (Non-poetic.)

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Fatherless Children

Fatherless children suffer
Because they don’t know how
Father never taught them
Because he didn’t know how

And so his babies, they never learnt how
How to love… how to be loved… how to be…
Father never taught them
Because he didn’t know how

And when father left for good
Oh how his children mourned
Because what their father couldn’t teach
Their kids might also miss

Where is the hope in this?

Fatherless children suffer                                                   
Because they don’t know how
Father never taught them
Because his father didn’t know how

Sarah Kenyi © 2017

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Kitu Kidogo (meaning ‘Something Small’ in Swahili i.e. a phrase used to evoke bribery.)

Hi there!
Allow me to introduce myself…
First name “Kitu,” last name “Kidogo!”
Although I have various other nicknames...
Like 'Fraudulent' and 'Corrupt'
I will respond most assuredly to 'Bribery'

Where I work, it’s always lunchtime 
I don’t eat paper, but I DO like green(s)
And unless you have 'something small' for me
I will remain unbothered about your queries 
Eating your time and your tolerance
Because I like to power play like that

Speaking of power, I have it over you
So don’t go complaining to my boss
I’m doing the VERY best I can
And I have been known to sabotage ‘big-mouths!’
Besides, my boss could be in on it too
He eats way better than I do!

Now that we are well acquainted,
Tell me, how can I be of service to you?
We’ll both win if you help me, help you
And if you think you’re too good for bribes,
That’s OK… I’ll wait…. and frustrate… and exasperate…
Because bribery usually begins… where your patience ends!

Sarah Kenyi © 2017

Although this poem ends on a negative note, my hope is more people in power will continue to rise up and combat this seemingly immutable phenomenon that is corruption in Africa.