Exploring things of significance to me (Non-poetic.)

Saturday 16 September 2017

Fatherless Children

Fatherless children suffer
Because they don’t know how
Father never taught them
Because he didn’t know how

And so his babies, they never learnt how
How to love… how to be loved… how to be…
Father never taught them
Because he didn’t know how

And when father left for good
Oh how his children mourned
Because what their father couldn’t teach
Their kids might also miss

Where is the hope in this?

Fatherless children suffer                                                   
Because they don’t know how
Father never taught them
Because his father didn’t know how

Sarah Kenyi © 2017

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Kitu Kidogo (meaning ‘Something Small’ in Swahili i.e. a phrase used to evoke bribery.)

Hi there!
Allow me to introduce myself…
First name “Kitu,” last name “Kidogo!”
Although I have various other nicknames...
Like 'Fraudulent' and 'Corrupt'
I will respond most assuredly to 'Bribery'

Where I work, it’s always lunchtime 
I don’t eat paper, but I DO like green(s)
And unless you have 'something small' for me
I will remain unbothered about your queries 
Eating your time and your tolerance
Because I like to power play like that

Speaking of power, I have it over you
So don’t go complaining to my boss
I’m doing the VERY best I can
And I have been known to sabotage ‘big-mouths!’
Besides, my boss could be in on it too
He eats way better than I do!

Now that we are well acquainted,
Tell me, how can I be of service to you?
We’ll both win if you help me, help you
And if you think you’re too good for bribes,
That’s OK… I’ll wait…. and frustrate… and exasperate…
Because bribery usually begins… where your patience ends!

Sarah Kenyi © 2017

Although this poem ends on a negative note, my hope is more people in power will continue to rise up and combat this seemingly immutable phenomenon that is corruption in Africa.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Dark moments change you...

Dark moments change you
They shake your values.
What then do you do
When everything That made you ... is no longer relevant?

Dark moments change you
They break your faith.
What then do you do
When everything you hoped for ... is no longer possible?

Dark moments change you
They take your reasons for living.
What then do you do
When everything you Lived for ... no longer exists?

Dark moments change you
Sometimes forever.
But no matter how dark the moment, it is indeed just that ... momentary
It will not last forever ... Unless you live in the past.

Sarah Kenyi © 2016

Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Elephant In The Room

There’s an elephant in the room
She’s in the corner, but she’s there alright
Frequently seen then forcibly unseen
I guess some things are better left unsaid
Like a forced poem by a fake poet
But not all things should be kept in the dark
And it’s not a secret that your past continues to affect you
It's seen it in the quick triggering of your keen temper
Or when you lust for pleasure and power…. pills and potions
You’ve morphed your sorrows into a twisted form of your own morphine
Yet you refuse to acknowledge that anything’s wrong
That’s the elephant in the room
She’s depleting your peace and weathering your relationships
You’ve got to get her out!
In fact, let it ALL out
It’s alright to weep and be weak sometimes
It’s alright to admit mistakes and regrets
It’s alright to forgive and begin to heal
It’s alright
‘Cause after that
You’ll really be alright

Sarah Kenyi © 2016

Monday 21 March 2016


Consciousness came to visit her last week
But unlike common sense
Consciousness doesn’t visit too often, nor stay too long
That's why she can't retain simple comprehensions 

Like the truths behind the extent of her worthiness
Notions far too lofty for the jokers in her 'DM'
Yet ironically, she keeps looking to them 

For her validation
And so, they continue her violation
Poor baby, she doesn’t know any better

She lost consciousness last week!
...Consciousness of the time her Daddy showed her 

How a man should treat a lady
…Consciousness of the time the Son of man died for her 

Because that's how much He values her
…Consciousness of her heart

And how it should be guarded above all else
Because out of it are the issues of life
...Baby girl... you've got to do better!
Like Mama Angelou told you:
“Do the best you can until you know better
Then when you know better, do better.”

Sarah Kenyi © 2016

Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Fault's in Our Stars (a Haiku)

Abstract horoscopes
Sure then insecure. So-so...
The fault's in our stars

Sarah Kenyi © 2016

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Strong for Him

Like the divers of the deep waters of Belize So are the believers in the Kingdom of God Through the uncertainties in which they wade: They remain brave and undismayed! Their faith will not be dissuaded For they serve the one who has conquered the grave When asked how they do it? They tell of the times they were brought to their knees In a series of untimely disappointments And seemingly closed doors They tell of times when they began to lose grip… of perspective: They could do all things through Christ who strengthened them, He would never leave them or forsake them, He would make all things work out for their good They tell of such seasons of darkness and despair Because through these seasons they learnt lessons in faith and hope So now, they can take courage knowing that this too shall pass Fellow brethren, if you find yourself in such a tumultuous season Take courage Don’t lose grip of perspective: You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, He will never leave you or forsake you, He will make all things work out for your good. Take courage And insist on singing songs that wash your souls in words of truth and freedom It amazes me how worship truly beckons the spirit When the mind is troubled, and the heart can find no solace It is in worship that I find strength to fight the good fight It is worship that I recall how light is this, my burden and plight It is in worship that I recall that in Him I can quenchably delight I wonder…will you remember Him… when the pressure mounts around you too…? I wonder… will you be strong for Him? …Because He asks you to.
Sarah Kenyi © 2015

Friday 21 November 2014

Step by step...

I named this poem after my mum's school for special needs children - Step by Step Learning Centre. I would like to dedicate it to her - my amazing mother Margaret Kenyi, and my beautiful eldest sister Ruth Kenyi.

Step by Step...

I remember it like it was yesterday 
As sighs frequented her breath
And quakes rippled her voice
My mother
She struggled not to cry as she gave recount in reply
To my impossible yet inevitable inquiry
Why did my beautiful eldest sister Ruth come to be autistic?

Ruth –in Hebrew it means companion, friend, vision of beauty
A name so befitting for my family's beloved ruby
Born healthy, a day in July, an angel in disguise- my parent’s first child, she opened her eyes
Then at the tender age of only two, a tragic event she and my parents went through
My sister had a severe allergic reaction to a vaccination which made her windpipes swell up obstructing her airway
She endured over 10 minutes without oxygen to her brain
And unfortunately this caused her to sustain
Permanent brain damage

I will never forget that unbearable conversation with my mother
My heart crumbled as I watched the tears flow down from her eyes
So later that night in bed I took up my impossible inquiry with Ruth’s other and ultimate creator - God
In an unmatched fury I hurled questions at Him
Where were you when my mother cried out to you in her suffering?
Didn't you say you knew us before we were born?
Didn't you say you pre-destined us before we were even conceived?
Then how?
How could you allow my sister's purpose to be stolen from her?!
Why her and not me?
Is she not also your child?!

My child – some things you weren't meant to understand
Some things are meant to be kept between only your sister and I
I DID know and pre-destine her before she was born
In fact I knew and predestined your mother before SHE was born too
I heard her that day in the hospital when she cried out to me
She asked me to send her an angel to save her baby
And I did
But that doctor was not the only angel I sent her
Tell your mother I sent her baby Ruth as an angel too
To save other mothers and their special needs babies…. through her…your mother…she is strong, and beautiful
Tell your mother I am so proud of her
Tell her she is doing an amazing job with the school she initiated for children with learning disabilities
She has sacrificed for those babies more than anyone will ever know –
Tell your mother she too is an angel
And tell your motherthat I, am El Roi – the God who sees

I see now that your hand was at work through everything my God
I see now that you used the broken road that my mother walked to bless others
It’s ironic that she named her special school Step by Step Learning Centre
I see now that life itself is a step by step journey to purpose

And to purpose your journey will lead YOU my child
Your journey- will be different
Encased with sufferings and sacrifices of its own
But you must always remember that I will only allow what you can bare
So that I can build you up along the journey
So that you can build others up along their journey
In hopes that they too will know that they have been called  
They have been called… just like you have been called my child… as part of my bride… to live a life worthy of your calling… persevering through suffering and sacrifice
As I, your husband, was, am, and will always be THE ultimate sacrifice

My sacrifice, I will stand as a labourer for your cause
I will affiliate my mission with the great co-mission
And marry my vision to your greater vision
And what a visionary you are my saviour– to see us now, all of us, each member of your church in all our faults, yet still view us through the eyes of the potential we have…
Each life with purpose
ALL life has purpose
And to purpose my journey will lead me
Go with me oh God of my strength
And in the face of suffering and sacrifice
I will continue on...

...Step by step...  

Sarah Kenyi © 2014

If you are interested, you can visit my mother's school's website at: http://www.sslc-tz.com/

Monday 21 July 2014


I lay bare
Like many virgins on their first night
Controversially exposing the very intricacies of my soul
And though unsure about forsaking my ego for truth
I choose to unveil in hopes of intimacy with you
I have heard this level of courage is not for the faint of heart
But I am fed up of being afraid, and I am also not a fake!
We are at our most pure, when from our dressing we depart
So I lay bare
In to me see
And if it so happens that you don’t like what you see
It’s okay.
Eventually, the truth will achieve it's infinite purpose
So although I’ll have to walk away,
I’ll walk away being able to say:
“I fought for truth,
I fought for truth,
And now, I am free.”

Sarah Kenyi © 2014

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Dear misfit

Dear misfit
I want you to know that you are genius
But you've been institutionalized to believe otherwise
Because of society's natural propensity to villainze people that are different
And so you are labeled socially awkward and weird
Rejected and misunderstood sometimes even by those closest to you
But you mustn't let this change you
Infact let it motivate you to flourish into the best version of you that you can be
Because you, dear misfit, are genius!

Sarah Kenyi © 2014

Friday 31 January 2014

My friend

My friend
A phrase frequently ascribed however sometimes misspent
A praise of high esteem when in sincerity said
Like the tale of King David, whom Jonathan so loved
True friendship emulates covenant and personal regard

My friend
I experienced much laughter and liberty with you
To crave such intimacy is something I have been known to do
Our friendship grew and I cherished moments spent with you
This is why I write this ode to you

My friend
We confused one another in the chaos of our emotions
Wallowing in misconceptions and unspoken truths 
Each slowly withdrawing whilst pushing the other away
We didn’t know how to communicate

My friend
I lost my friend

My friend
I will always love you

Sarah Kenyi © 2014

Monday 15 April 2013

Fearlessly me

I guess it was engendered in history
Yet another one of nature’s mysteries
Like the unconditional love a mother maintains for her seed
We women we were made to nurture
Even beyond that which we breed
Even when it causes our souls to bleed
We are guilty of being nurturers of our pain
(Or maybe it’s our pain that nurtures us
I'm not quite sure which comes first)
But my pain? She clutched me
Stemming from seeds of rejection, she got a hold of me
And we harboured, and nurtured each other subconsciously
Sending me effortlessly into a sea of timidity and uncertainty 
I didn't want to feel the pain of rejection again
So perfection became my only aim... but I'm not perfect
So I withdrew more and more from the sharing of myself
Preferring the consequent neglection over the risk of subsequent rejection
Then when Love reminded me that I was made fearfully and wonderfully 
Fear fully snuck up from behind me and wondrously re-taught me timidity
So when Love was the one who predestined me
Fear was the one who eventually determined my destiny
I constantly second guessed myself
And in doing so I second guessed my help
But God, He lead me on a quest to find myself
And when I realised the true worth of His Word
I realised the true worth of his daughter
And when I truly accepted His Word I truly accepted his daughter
That's why right now in this very moment I can be fearlessly me
Knowing my worth is not determined by your rejection or acceptance of me
I am fearlessly me, accept or reject me, I will be fearlessly me

Sarah Kenyi © 2013

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Misguided eyes

I am grieved because of your misguided eyes
For they were taught to discriminate and despise
And as the fruit of the trees that once
Draped black men from the skies
They will continue to bare seed and multiply
Misguided eyes
Why don't you take off your glasses and see
You weren't born with bad eyes
And you've been wearing a wig in disguise
Do you recognise histories demise on your subconscious mind?
When will you recognise politically corrected prejudice lines?
Like "I refuse to see you as the colour of your skin"
Because obviously there is something wrong with it
But just for me, you’ll choose to over-look it right?
Misguided eyes!
Maybe if you actually looked at my skin
You'd see that it is because I am different
That I am of value to you; and you to me
Maybe you would find that there is a lot to be gained
And a lot to be learned, even loved
If you'd just guide your misguided eyes

Sarah Kenyi © 2012

Saturday 3 March 2012

Treasure in our midst

There is a treasure in our midst
But ignorance’s bliss allows some to miss
The manifestations of grace that were embedded in it
Some say it’s just a book of a series of myths
But I have tasted and seen that it is worth much more than just this
So I’ll ensure that its words don’t depart from my lips
Meditate and pay heed to its cautions and creeds
For then I will prosper and in life succeed 
Breeding sweet aromas of His Spirit in me
Bringing to finish the good work He began in me
Until that day I see My Prince of Peace
And exist in eternal jubilation and bliss

Sarah Kenyi © 2012

Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Back to the floor I fall

Back to the floor I fall
Eluded once more
By the illusions I reformed
Until the next calm
Before the next storm
For when the pain is not raw
There is love... and I want more

So it's back to the floor I fall
Eluded once more
By the illusions I reformed
I was floored, but the sands in the hour glass faded and you...
You got me jaded,
So my memory, it evaded
The abuse you perpetrated

So it's back to the floor I fall
Eluded once more
By the illusions I reformed
In this vicious cycle I'm enthralled
Tell me which one comes first
Because I can never seem to recall
The calm... or the storm?

Sarah Kenyi © 2011

Saturday 27 August 2011

Ruwarashe (for Zimbabwean girls who may have forgotten that they are God’s flower.)

My mother named me Ruwarashe - God’s flower
“You’re the prettiest one in His garden my angel” she would say
But if you asked me how long it’s been since I’ve felt like a flower
I’d find it difficult to respond
I am a female prisoner in Zimbabwe you see
An un-convicted convict in actuality
Years have gone by since my arrest
And I am still awaiting trial like many of the rest
To some, we are the lowest of the low
Like the lumps in the porridge they give us
Like cattle in storage- that’s how they keep us
Not worthy of rights, not worthy of privacy
Not even worthy of a pair of our own underwear
For its only when the month turns scarlet
That they dish out used prison undergarments
So we’d rather push up cotton for sanitary pads
And pray we don’t fall prey to infection
Or at least that maybe this time
They'll give us some medication
But no one cares here
I have been tripped up and kicked down here
Fought back but couldn’t kick, couldn’t scream, couldn’t howl
I have no voice to make a sound
Ruwarashe has been trampled on the ground.
But I am still Ruwarashe, I am still God’s flower
Just as He made me, still I am!
A flower doesn’t stop being a flower just because it’s been trampled
It can still give out its innermost scent, in fact NOW it fully permeates
So if you asked me how long it’s been since I’ve felt like a flower
I’d say I never stopped being one to stop feeling like one!

Sarah Kenyi © 2011

This poem was for and inspired by a project that my friends from church Lorraine Chitsike and Christine Mazorodze initiated called Operation Ruwarashe. Lorraine and Christine were moved to appeal to fellow women to donate various sanitary products in order to restore value and dignity to imprisoned women in Zimbabwe- women who don't have access to simple hygiene products such as underwear, sanitary pads, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. 

For more information on the project please contact: operationruwarashe@gmail.com

Monday 27 June 2011


I arise through pen and paper relations
Addicted to word-play, that is my reputation
Textual nakedness doesn't near such perfection
This is the beauty of 'floetic' expression
The epitome of creative emancipation
My poetry
Inspires me...
Engraving that which once moved me
Strengthens me…
Closure to that which has hurt me
Releases me...
Articulation of all that’s within me
My poetry

Sarah Kenyi © 2011

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A moment to myself

Can I please have a moment to myself
Don't get it twisted, this is not out of selfish intent
And I'd rather be with you, than on my own instead
But when it's over, (because all things come to an end)
I don't want liability for the extra baggage attained
'Cause we engaged in an affinity made only for holy matrimony
I don't want to be left without an identity to initiate the recovery
Or any knowledge of how to affiliate with individuality
My spirituality is not yet one with my personality
And Agape wouldn't work amid such boundaries.
So can I please have a moment to myself
To comprehend my pius self
To truly love myself
So that I can summon a love for you in reflex
I don't mean to take you or anyone else for granted
I just need to take advantage of the seeds God's planted
Then in adherence to the greatest commandment
When it is time to awaken love's enchantment
I will love you, the way that He loves me: unconditionally
But first, I must fulfill a necessity
So I ask that you give this entity
A moment to myself

Sarah Kenyi © 2010

Song of Solomon 8:4 Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right.

You're a queen

You’re a queen
No pretense, no lies
There’s no need to Facebook your behind
You’re not an object or a franchise
And it’s alright girl, order them fries!
But while you’re at it…
Revolutionize your pride
Make educate and eradicate the lies
Your morals ain't for compromise
And you are more than just hips and thighs
You’re a queen,
No pretense, no lies
So act right
And attract a king.

Sarah Kenyi © 2010

Renew your mind

Miss. Lauryn Hill once said we must destroy to rebuild
 I guess that’s why our shoes still fit
 And we can't quit
 Insisting on distilling the Father's teaching
 Blaspheming when J-Hove comes on TV
 We 'free our minds' then fail to galvanize
Rather compromise, than revolutionize
The same shoe size, when will we rise?
Still we seat at hypocrisy’s feet
Still speaking victory yet feating defeat
Still allowing Satan’s poisons to further seep into our pores
While leaking and reaping seeds sown of afflicted minds
Minds stuck in conformity, stuck in these times
Still stuck in the walls of the devil’s molds and chimes
While crying to our own captive minds to help free us from these lies?
Why can’t we look to He who laid His life on the line?
Our crevices will only reap unhappiness and strife
Until we renew our minds
It is from the ground that we were formed
And it is to the ground that we must return
Because it is from this ground, that we will rise
And become the people, He had in mind
Renew your mind

Sarah Kenyi © 2010