Exploring things of significance to me (Non-poetic.)

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

A moment to myself

Can I please have a moment to myself
Don't get it twisted, this is not out of selfish intent
And I'd rather be with you, than on my own instead
But when it's over, (because all things come to an end)
I don't want liability for the extra baggage attained
'Cause we engaged in an affinity made only for holy matrimony
I don't want to be left without an identity to initiate the recovery
Or any knowledge of how to affiliate with individuality
My spirituality is not yet one with my personality
And Agape wouldn't work amid such boundaries.
So can I please have a moment to myself
To comprehend my pius self
To truly love myself
So that I can summon a love for you in reflex
I don't mean to take you or anyone else for granted
I just need to take advantage of the seeds God's planted
Then in adherence to the greatest commandment
When it is time to awaken love's enchantment
I will love you, the way that He loves me: unconditionally
But first, I must fulfill a necessity
So I ask that you give this entity
A moment to myself

Sarah Kenyi © 2010

Song of Solomon 8:4 Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Sarah. We all require moments to our selves in the chaos of everything that happens in this crazy world. I also think I'm your first Comment : ) Happy Blogging.
